So... this is it. Our website has launched! We will have much to discuss as we move forward. Right now, we are finally welcoming Spring and, with it, the many events that happen in downtown Easton....
In the store, many, many changes.... Inger, our merchandiser extraordinaire, Reetha, Ron and I (Jon), are rearranging from front to back... we want to focus on the many new furniture items we will be receiving over the next month -- a new garden area, living room vignettes, artwork...
Review this site... We want you to visit the store... We will sell more here eventually, but we are proud to be a brick and mortar, locally owned, main street store... And we are part of a community that is classically growing to welcome new people downtown in refurbished grand buildings, restaurants continue to open, and new businesses are opening all around us...
Join least for a long afternoon!