Fine Art Gallery

RE:find has reinvigorated the art scene in Allentown.  Since moving to Allentown, we have popped up art galleries throughout downtown. The local newspaper wrote about one of our spaces, "Gallery 724 has become a vital part of the downtown art scene. It was an unfinished space in an unused building put to use by artists, often attracting crowds for its exhibits, becoming a hotspot on Third Thursdays, the city’s arts night."

 Our newest Gallery, ARTHAUS, opened in cooperation with the Allentown Arts Commission, features very high quality, established as well as emerging artists, working in a wide range of visual media.  The current show, titled “Transformation Decoded: Unimagined Possibilities,” curated by ARTHAUS Gallery curator, Deborah Rabinsky and Jon Clark, features the work of Kacper Abolik, contemporary Cuban artist Santiago Rodriguez Olazabal, and Khalil Allaik. The show opened on September 17 and runs through October 31, 2020.

 Increasingly, our retail store has an ever expanding collection of fine art -- something perfect to incorporate into your home or office.


Upcoming Exhibits